2017 Legislative Chapter, Denver Province


Confreres who participated in the 2017 Denver Province Chapter near the beautiful
Marian shrine on the Redemptorist Renewal Center property

Redemptorist confreres – 99 members of the Denver Province and Fr. Ronaldo Mendonça de Oliveira, Vice Provincial of the Vice Province of Manaus, and Fr. Kingsley Onyekuru, Vice Provincial of the Vice Province of Nigeria – gathered at the Redemptorist Renewal Center at Picture Rocks in Tucson this week for the 2017 Denver Province Chapter.

On the agenda: the Denver Province Pastoral Plan and Statutes, several policies and postulata, and the opportunity to reconnect with confreres serving throughout the country. Thanks to Fr. Vincent Minh and Fr. Thanh Nguyen for sharing their wonderful photos with us!

Fr. José Chavez welcomes Fr. Quy Duong and Provincial Superior Stephen Rehrauer to Tucson

From denverlink April 28, 2017