Redemptorists in the Australian Catholic Youth Festival


We will be attending the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in Sydney from the 6th -9th December. Come visit our booth, we would love to talk to you. HOMEBUSH OLYMPIC STADIUM HERE WE COME! #ACYF

Australian Catholic Youth Festival

We will be attending the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in Sydney from the 6th -9th December. Come visit our booth, we would love to talk to you. HOMEBUSH OLYMPIC STADIUM HERE WE COME! #ACYF

Pubblicato da Redemptorists of Australia and New Zealand su Lunedì 4 dicembre 2017

What is ACYF?

The Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) is a national gathering of Catholic young people established by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC). It exists to provide young people with opportunities to deepen their relationship with Jesus, be empowered to be disciples in the world today and encounter and celebrate the vitality of the Church in Australia.

The Archdiocese of Sydney is hosting the event from December 7th-9th 2017 on behalf of the ACBC. The Festival receives collaborative support from the agencies of the Archdiocese, and greater Sydney dioceses of Broken Bay, Parramatta and Wollongong.
In December 2017 the Festival will launch the Year of Youth, celebrating ten years on from hosting World Youth Day 2008.


The Australian Catholic Youth Festival exists to:

Provide a high quality formative and experiential opportunity for young Catholics to encounter Jesus Christ, in the context of the Catholic Church in Australia;
Listen to and discuss the issues and challenges in the lives of young Catholics in Australia;
Evangelise young people and empower them to be evangelisers;
Provide young people with local examples and connections of vocations, social action, liturgy and prayer, catholic music and catechesis.

ACYF launches the Year of Youth and takes up its theme:

Open new horizons for spreading joy:
Young people, faith and vocational discernment

The theme draws inspiration from Pope Francis’ address to young people at the Vigil at WYD Krakow 2016, along with the theme chosen for the next General Synod to be held in Rome during 2018. Pope Francis continues to challenge the young people of the world to boldly engage with their faith, their relationship with Jesus and the world.