“Formation for Restructuring”: Meeting of the URSAL


(La Plata, Argentina) – The formators of URSAL  met in the community of the Most Holy Redeemer of the Vice-Province of the Resistenza, in La Plata, Argentina, from May 7 to 11, 2018, to share a week of reflection on the theme: “Formaton for Restructuring”.

The following confreres participated in the meeting: Frs. Raúl Alcaraz and Javier Machado, of the Vice Province of Resistenza; Frs. Ariel Cattáneo and Juan Pablo Roldán, from the Province of Buenos Aires; Fr. Marcelino Yangali, of the Vice Province of South Peru; Fr. Carlos Pérez, from the Province of Santiago de Chile; Frs. José Echeverría and Vicente Soria, from the province of Paraguay.

The days of the meeting have passed in a fraternal atmosphere, with a spirit of dialogue and a great cordiality in sharing. We reflected on the profile of the Redemptorist Brother in the new vision of the restructuring proposed by the XXIV General Chapter. We have seen the importance of formation with attitudes such as availability for the mission and openness to the new and the different possibilities. We also feel the need to commit ourselves to touch the wounds of the poorest and most abandoned, through personal and community conversion.

One of the themes we need to follow and with those in formation, seemed to be relevant is the “multiculturalism” that is respect, appreciation, and integration of different cultures.

We thank the Redeemer and the Congregation for the opportunity to meet and share and to dream and reflect together on our missionary work.

We entrust ourselves to the Lord and ask the Mother of Perpetual Help, through her intercession to  help the process of restructuring and revitalization of our mission.