Vocation Camp conducted for the Students in Tuchów


(Tuchów, Poland) The Major Seminary of the Redemptorists in Tuchów, Poland widely opened its doors for young people who wanted to see how the ordinary life of religious students looks like on April 28 – 29, 2018. There were about 60 boys who actively participated in all the activities in these days. We organized short lectures on subjects like an introduction to philosophy, psychology, anthropology, and history of our Congregation to let them see our normal studying reality. They could also listen to conferences led by Fr. Bogdan Nieć CSsR.

It all started with the morning coffee & cake, meeting continued in our common room. After eating snacks, we moved to the chapel to listen to Fr. Nieć’s conference. Soon after the conference, we took part in the Holy Eucharistic celebration, presided by Fr. Adam Kośla CSsR – the main in charge of students in the Major Seminary in Tuchów. He preached about vocations and gave examples of people who greatly responded to God’s calling.

After the lunch, few students did the role play and presented to our guests some issues from topics of the lectures. This small gathering turned out to be very interesting. Then there was a time for a soccer match. All were divided into four teams and played against each other as equals. Despite difficult conditions on the football ground, the boys showed their great playing skills.

In the evening there was a second conference followed by the adoration of the ever presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to thank Him for the wonderful experience of the day and to talk to Him and to listen to His words.

We began our program for Sunday with the morning prayer. After it, we went to the Shrine of Our Lady of Tuchów to celebrate the Sunday Mass. Then the students participated in a quiz competition to test their knowledge about the history of the Congregation. The event ended with festive dinner. Most of them left us with unending happiness and desire of coming back. We hope that the time spent in our house will benefit in their lives.

Each year the Vocational Ministry of the Province of Warsaw organizes few series of longer retreat days in winter as well as in summer for around 100 young men. The vocation camps are conducted two times a year in our seminary to help the students to recognize their vocation in life and to awaken in their hearts and minds the idea of the Redemptorist way of life.

We have currently 48 students and brothers in all stages of formation, among them 4 deacons, who will be ordained on May 26th. Keep them in your prayers!

Br. Karol Łukaszczyk CSsR, Br. Hubert Starzycki CSsR, Tuchów

Website of the Seminary in Tuchów

Website of the Vocational Ministry