Final Profession of Six Students from the Province of Bangalore and the V. Province of Majella


(Bangalore, India) Six students from the Province of Bangalore and the V. Province of Majella made their final commitment on the 8th June at the 11 am mass at Holy Ghost Church at Mt. St. Alphonsus in Bangalore. Three students from Bangalore (Thambi, Ananthraj, & Deepak) and three students from the V. Province of Majella (Noel Mascarenhas, Juvance Serrao & Agnelo Rodrigues) before their families, friends, and confreres of the two Units made their final commitment. The mass was presided over by Fr S. Arulanandam (Provincial Superior of Bangalore) and Fr Ivel Mendanha, (V. Provincial Superior of Majella) preached at the final profession mass. This was followed by a festive lunch. We thank the Lord for these six young men and their joyful giving of self as witnesses of the Redeemer in solidarity for mission to a wounded world.

Ivel Mendanha, C.Ss.R.