Pax Christi -Toronto to Honour Fr. Paul Hansen, C.Ss.R with 2019 Pax Christi Teacher of Peace award


(Toronto, Canada) Fr. Paul Hansen is a Redemptorist priest who has spent most of his life working for Biblical Justice. A former member of the Church’s Ecumenical Coalitions seeking justice, Fr. Paul became chair of the Board of KAIROS after returning from a seven-year stint in Rome leading his Order’s commitment to Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation. Fr. Paul is on the Social Affairs Commission of the Ontario Bishops, an Executive member of ISARC – Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition, and on the Board of the Human Development Foundation Mercy Centre Bangkok, Thailand. After a sabbatical in the Middle East, he returned to Canada to lead his Order’s Canadian commitment to Biblical Justice. Fr. Paul is the President of CAIF, Canadian Alternative Investment Foundation, providing financing solutions for charities that serve marginalized and economically disadvantaged populations.

Fr. Paul E. Hansen is a fearless and creative advocate for disadvantaged, marginalized and oppressed people. He demonstrates international leadership on Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, and national leadership in KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives. This year, 2019, marks the 50th anniversary of Fr. Paul’s priestly ordination as a member of the Redemptorist order.

2019 Award Event

Date: Sunday, September 15, 2019
Time:  1:15 to 4 p.m.
Location:       St. Patrick’s Parish, Neumann Hall, 131 McCaul Street, Toronto
Buffet Lunch provided

(Community Connections, Vol. 18, Issue 8)