Meeting with the Missionary Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer


(Rome) The General Government of the Missionary Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer and Superior General of the Redemptorists Fr. General, Michael Brehl, Fr. C. Alberto Eseverri and the Coordinator of the Conference of Europe, Fr. Johannes Römelt met together in the morning October 11 in the house of S. Gioacchino in Rome. The Sisters were represented by M. Margaret Obereder, the Superior General, and Sisters: Erika, Oksana, Ruth María, Monika, Grisol, Flor María, and Teodora.

It was a brief fraternal meeting to exchanged current information on the two Congregations. Special attention was paid to the mutual collaboration in the countries where both Institutes are present. This case is in Europe, Latin America, and Asia.

In the afternoon, the meeting was concluded at the General House San Alfonso. There was a Eucharistic celebration and visit to the Icon of the Mother of Perpetual Help.

May S. Alfonso and the Mother of Perpetual Help intercede before the Redeemer for each other to continue developing our missionary charism of abundant redemption.