Myanmar Redemptorists conducts “Come and See” Program


The Redemptorist Missionaries in Myanmar conducted a “Come and See” program last December 4, 2019, to January 4, 2020. Seven young men responded to the invitation. They came to join the activity in the Redemptorist Mission Community in Pyin Oo Lwin, Mandalay. In the seven boys, one was in second year university and the six were the first year.

The program aimed to help young men in discerning for their vocation. It gave an opportunity for the participants to experience and have a glimpse of the Redemptorist missionary life which they may consider in reflecting for their future life. The activities were designed to provide a holistic human experience of all who joined.

The seven young men were welcomed to share the community life of the Redemptorist. Several activities were done to ensure their meaningful experience. They joined the community daily mass, meditation, liturgy of the hours, rosary, and meals. They also took part in the household responsibilities such as cooking, dishwashing, cleaning and gardening. To help in their communication skills, English classes were done. Talks regarding vocation, religious life and the Redemptorist congregation were given. The community also visited Catholic families, clergy houses, and religious communities for Christmas carol singing. All also enjoyed the sports activities.

The “Come and See” program is part of the vocation promotion of the Redemptorist Mission in Myanmar. This is being conducted twice a year in the months of March and December. This is the third batch since the program was started. After completing the program for this batch, one joined the Aspirancy and the rest returned to their respective places to continue their university studies.

Bro. Dennis (Davao, Myanmar Mission)