Facing the Covid-19 with solidarity and hope


Facing the Covid-19 with solidarity and hope –  is the title of the blog-page that has been recently started. It aims to bring together some contributions from the Redemptorist World that help the people to go through this difficult time when our churches have to stay temporarily closed and our religious and parish communities were to subdue to various limitations.

As the Covid-19 crisis suddenly forces us to change our daily routine and for many, to stay at home, we do not want anyone to feel isolated or overwhelmed by sadness and anxiety over the future.

We believe that this is an opportune time to discover new ways to experience human solidarity and mutual care. In these days, we want to remain united in concern, solidarity, prayer, and hope.

We propose this means of communication with thoughtful contributions from our extensive Redemptorist world: friends, lay associates, and confreres.

We hope that this platform will be useful for the sharing of pieces of information, opinions, and experiences that can help all of us to cope with the new realities and courageously in faith, face the challenges of the time.

May we, through our sensitivity, prayers, and actions draw closer to all who suffer and to the wounded of this world.

The blog is a proposal of General Secretariats of Evangelisation and Formation in cooperation with the Office of Communications. You can access it from the main menu of the page www.cssr.news.

There is also an invitation: If you feel invited to contribute through this new web-page, you can contact us and share with us your reflections via e-mail, together with a brief self-presentation of the author.


picture: www.pixabay.com