Perpetual Profession of Stanislav Marcin CSsR in Slovakia


(Slovakia) On Saturday, August 15, 2020, our confrere Stanislav Marcin took lifelong vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience in the Redemptorist Congregation in the presence of Fr Provincial Václav Hypius on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The monastery church of St. Stanislav in Podolínec was filled with the faithful from the parish, relatives, and acquaintances of his brother Stanislav of Raslavíc, where he comes from, and several confreres from Redemptorist communities from Slovak and Czech. Bohuš Živčák from Riek Života and P. Rasťo Dluhý sang several songs during the Holy Mass, also from the upcoming album Rieky Života. Fr. Provincial Václav Hypius n his homily, also spoke about the great gift and joy of Stanislav’s vocation for the Redemptorist community. After the liturgy, we continued to celebrate at the monastery courtyard with agape with delicious Raslavice cakes.

Finally, we moved into a narrower circle to a local restaurant for lunch. May the Lord Jesus, who called Stan to the Redemptorists, endow him with every necessary grace!

Br. Lukáš Michalovič CSsR
