The first profession of two confreres in the Province Bratislava-Praha


(Slovakia) On Saturday, September 11, 2021, two confreres Ján Kniez and Samuel Opálka, professed temporary vows of chastity, poverty and obedience into the hands of provincial Fr. Václav Hypius in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Motyčky (Banská Bystrica). Their master of novices Fr. Maurizio Iannuario from the Province of Naples, also took part in the ceremony.

Ján Kniez, who comes from Lovčica – Trubín in the Banská Bystrica Diocese, began his religious formation in 2018. In the following academic year, he will continue his bachelor’s studies in theology and philosophy in the 3rd year. Samuel Opálka comes from Kováčová in the Diocese of Banská Bystrica and began his religious formation in 2017. In the following academic year, he will continue his master’s studies in Catholic theology in the 4th year. Brother Ján and brother Samuel took part in the interprovincial novitiate in Ciorani near Naples. They spent the year of novitiate in the community with three novices from Italy (Provinces of Rome and Naples) and one from Spain (Province of Madrid).
