Tragic death of three Novices on Christmas night of the Region of Zimbabwe


It was shocking news for the Redemptorist family all over the world especially for the confreres of the Region of Zimbabwe who are saddened over the death of dear novices Br Bradburne Kamundiya, Br Edwin Chipangura, and Br Tariro Keith Thulani Samusodza, who died due to a tragic accident on Christmas-day night.  

Their funeral and the burial ceremony concluded on Wednesday 29th December at 1000 (Zimbabwean Time) at St Alphonsus House, Tafara, Harare, Zimbabwe.

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The confreres, the faithful together with the family members and relatives of the three novices spend in prayers consecutively during the funeral program for the Redemptorist departed novices. The prayer services and Holy Masses were broadcast LIVE through Facebook.

On this occasion Fr. Michael Brehl, CSsR, the superior general of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, expressed his heartfelt condolences and assurance of being together with the confreres of Zimbabwe in this time of loss. Fr Michael writes, “There are no words which can adequately express the depth of compassion and grief shared by the entire Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer around the world. We are with you in solidarity of sorrow and communion of prayer. But we do not grieve as those who have no hope. As St. Paul reminds us, we have a Redeemer who has died and risen so that all who share his death will also rise to a new and eternal life. This is our hope – and I know that this hope is shared by all of you who know and love these brothers. …”

Letter of Fr. Michael Brehl, CSsR:

Together with the confreres of Zimbabwe, we continue to offer prayers for the departed souls of novices for their eternal reward, and also pray for the strength and courage of the family members and friends.

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