Four Redemptorist Bishops visited St Alphonsus church in Rome


Usually, when a new Bishop is ordained, he is invited to a special program in Rome to prepare him for the Episcopal Ministry. This program is usually offered every September, but due to the pandemic, it was not possible to offer it in 2020 and 2021. This year recently-ordained Bishops from across the world have been invited to participate in one of three week-long sessions. 

On Sunday afternoon, September 4th, four Redemptorist Bishops participating in this first session came to visit the General House and the Church of St. Alphonsus. They are: Bishop Bruce Lewandowksi (Baltimore Province), Bishop Petro Loza (Lviv Province), Bishop Mykola Bychok (Lviv Province, serving in Australia) and Bishop Marian Pacak (Michalovce Vice Province)  

Their visit began in the Church of St. Alphonsus, with a moving prayer for Ukraine before the original Icon of Mother of Perpetual Help.  Bishop Loza and Bishop Bychok are both from the Lviv Province. Our four confrere Bishops then enjoyed a fraternal visit and conversation with Michael Brehl, our Superior General, about their ministry and about the Congregation. 

As they prepared to leave the Generalate, they promised to pray for the Canonical Phase of the General Chapter, and we promised to pray with them for Ukraine and for all our confreres called to the Episcopal Ministry. We celebrate our fraternal communion in the Spirit of St. Alphonsus!