Our common home, recipient of abundant Redemption


“the first anniversary of the launch of the Laudato si’ Platform for Action (14th of November), which promotes ecological conversion and lifestyles consistent with it. I would like to thank all those who have embraced this initiative: there are around six thousand participants, including individuals, families, associations, businesses, and religious, cultural and healthcare institutions. It is an excellent start to a seven-year journey aimed at responding to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor. I encourage this mission, crucial for the future of humanity, so that it may foster in everyone a genuine commitment to the care of creation.” (Pope Francis, Angelus, Sunday, 13 November 2022)

On this occasion, Scala News invites you to reflect on the Alphonsian proposal in this regard.
We can find it in the various reports and news that Scala News sent at the time taken from the missionary work of the whole Congregation. How can we review together in this short list:

Laudato Si Week – 2020 : In Solidarity with the Wounded World

Care for Our Common Home through Eco-friendly Communities, India

Asian Churches observe Laudato Sì Week

Journeying towards care for our Common Home

Laudato Si’ Week, 16 to 25 May 2021

The Season of Creation

On Designing a Congregational Project for the Care for Our Common Home

To remember, ecological awareness is growing in the collective consciousness of Redemptorists. The appeal of the last General Chapter has helped us to identify and name some of the wounds of the world: pollution, degradation of biodiversity, water, soil and environment; extinction of animal and plant species; global warming, etc. All of this, of course, is also linked to the suffering and wounds of the poorest people, because here the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor become one. In this way, the causes and consequences of the ecological crisis are becoming so great that they also challenge our Christian faith and our Redemptorist charism. We believe that our common home is also the recipient of the abundant redemption to which we Redemptorists are witnesses.

(General Secretariat for Evangelisation, General Commission for Social Ministry – Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation) (see also https://plataformadeaccionlaudatosi.org)

Scala News