The new Units of Europe and Latin America


The year 2024 presents to the world a Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer in the process of restructuring but with the awareness of living the missionary charism that Alphonsus gave birth to in all members.

Briefly, we want to present the new Units of the Conferences of Latin America and the Caribbean and of Southern Europe:


The new Province of BRASILIA brings together the ancient units of: Fortaleza, Recife, Goias, the mission in Mozambique .

The city of Brasilia was chosen as the seat of the new unit and Father Joao Paulo Santos was elected as the first Provincial Superior of Brasilia, while for the Ordinary Council, the following were elected: Fr. Tiago Hebert, Fr. Tiago de Melo, Fr. Reinaldo Martins and Brother Marcos Vinicius.

Finally, Fr. José Rinaldo and Fr. Piter John were elected for the Extraordinary Council.

The inauguration of this new unit took place on 09/29/2023 as can be read in Scala News:

“The Elective Assembly of Brasilia has concluded – Beginning of a New Unity” -a-new-unit/


The new Province of Our Lady APARECIDA brings together the ancient units of: Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and the mission of Suriname. All these ancient units, which include the Brazilian states of Bahia, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, as well as Suriname, will become part of a single new Province.

The city of Aparecida was chosen as the seat of the new unit and Father Marlos Aurélio da Silva, CSsR was elected as the first Provincial Superior, while for the Ordinary Council, the following were elected: Ordinary Provincial Councillors: Father Roque Silva, C .Ss.R., P. Americo de Oliveira, C.Ss.R., Fabius Evaristo Resende Silva, C.Ss.R. Brother Charles Jose da Cunha, C.Ss.R.

Extraordinary provincial councillors: P. Antonio Niemec, C.Ss.R., Father Jonas Pacheco, C.Ss.R.

In the center: Fr. Marlos Aurélio da Silva, C.Ss.R., together with Fr. Américo de Oliveira, C.Ss.RP Roque Silva, C.Ss.R., Fr. Fábio Evaristo Resende Silva, C.Ss .King Brother Carlos José da Cunha, C.Ss.R.

The inauguration of this new unit took place on 9/11/2023, as can be read in Scala News:

On the day of the Foundation of the Redemptorist Congregation, the new Province of Our Lady of Aparecida was inaugurated in Brazil the-new-province-of-our-lady-of-aparecida-in-brazil was inaugurated/


The new Province of la Madre del Perpetuo Socorro brings together the ancient units of: San Juan of Puerto Rico, Central America and Haiti.

The city of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic was chosen as the seat of the new unit and Father Thierry Raphael was elected as the first Provincial Superior, while Fr. Felipe Santiago Burgos was chosen Provincial Vicar, and Fr. Jesús María Rojas Quesada was chosen Ordinary councilor. Fr. Henry Soto Navarrete, chosen Extraordinary Councillor, Fr. Jean Jacques Nicolás, chosen Extraordinary Councillor.

With the inauguration of the new Province on 9/11/2023, 11 countries have joined together for the Congregación del Santísimo Redentor: Belice, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Haiti, Dominican Republic and Cuba.

You can read in Scala News:
Canonical erection and taking possession of the Mother Province of Perpetual Help, Central America and the Caribbean possession-of-the-mother-province-of-perpetual-help-central-america-and-the-caribbean/


The new Province of Curitiba brings together the ancient units of: Campo Grande, Manaus and Porto Alegre. He also deals with part of the Redemptorist presence in Lisbon.

The city of Curitiba was chosen as the seat of the new unit and Father Edilei Rosa, CSsR , was elected as the first Provincial Superior. Ordinary Council: Fr. Jorge Luis Watthier CSsR, Fr. Edézio Borges CSsR, Fr. Amerildo Luciano CSsR, while the extraordinary council: brother Bruno Coutinho, Fr. Joaquim Parron CSsR and Fr. Maiko Deffaveri CSsR.

Inaugurated on 8/12/2023


The new Andean Province Carineña brings together the ancient units of: Caracas, Bogotá and Quito.

The city of Bogota was chosen as the seat of the new unit and Father Mauricio Monroy Cáceres CSsR of Colombia was chosen as the first Provincial Superior of the new Andean-Caribbean unit; Father Marcelo Geovanny Curimilma Villa of Ecuador, as Vicar; and Fr. Argenis Villegas Suárez of Venezuela, as Ordinary Consultor.

The inauguration of this new unit took place on 8/12/2023 as can be read in Scala News:

The Andean-Caribbean Province is born: a new stage full of hope for the Redemptorist family -full-of-hope-for-the-redemptorist-family/


The new Province of Bolivia – Peru brings together the ancient units of: Northern Peru, Southern Peru and Bolivia.

The city of Lima was chosen as the seat of the new unit and Father Boris Calzadilla Arteaga, C.Ss.R., was elected the first Provincial of the new Province of Bolivia-Peru; the new provincial council begins its government from December 10, 2023 until 2026. The provincial house is established in Santa Anita, Lima, Peru.”

The inauguration of this new unit took place on 10/12/2023 as can be read in Scala News:

Canonical erection of the Redemptorist Province of Bolivia Peru :


The new Province of Blessed Pedro Donders brings together the ancient units of: Buenos Aires, Paraguay, Santiago de Chile and Resistencia. Also the mission in Mozambique.

The city of Asunción was chosen as the seat of the new unit and Father Javier Machado CSsR  was elected as the first Provincial Superior, while for the Ordinary Council, the following were elected: Fr. Ramón Correa CSsR, Fr. José Rodríguez CSsR, Fr. Mario Márques and P. Enrique López. The Extraordinary Council is conformed by: Fr. Hugo Elias Stang CSsR and Fr. César Báez Amarilla CSsR.

The inauguration of this new unit took place on 01/14/2024 as can be read in Scala News:

Liturgical celebration of opening of the Pedro Donders province


The new Province of SOUTHERN EUROPE brings together the ancient units of the Provinces of Rome, Naples, Madrid, Lisbon, and France.

San Gioacchino in Rome was chosen as the headquarters of the new unit and Father Gennaro Sorrentino CSsR was elected as the first Provincial Superior, while the rest of the Council is made up of Fr. Desiré Zante (Vicar, until now Provincial Superior of France), Francisco Caballero (Ordinary Councillor, until now Provincial Superior of Madrid), Rui Santiago (Ordinary Councilor, until now Provincial Superior of Lisbon), Massimiliano Guardini (Ordinary Councillor, from the Province of Rome), Alberto Eseberri (Extraordinary Councillor, from the Province of Madrid), Raùl Peralta (Extraordinary Councillor, from the Province of France).

The inauguration of this new unit took place on 01/25/2024 as can be read in Scala News:

Rome: The new Province of Southern Europe is born