Perpetual Profession and Diaconal Ordinations in Colombia


Five Redemptorists, students of the St. Alphonsus Seminary in Bogotá, made their perpetual profession in the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer.

On Friday, March 3, the perpetual profession of four young men willing to give their lives for abundant Redemption took place at the San Alfonso Seminary in Bogotá. Our brothers from the Province of Bogotá: Sergio Andrés Guerrero Buitrago, Juan Sebastián Criollo Puentes and Jovani Cuellar Peña, have given their definitive yes to the Congregation. Together with them, Ely Saúl Millán Hereira, from the Vice-Province of Caracas.

In a fraternal atmosphere and with the presence of Redemptorists from different parts of Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela, the Eucharistic celebration began, presided over by Father Luis Carlos Jaime Murillo, animator of the Province of Bogotá, who received on behalf of the Congregation the vows of these four young men, hopeful and ready to follow in the footsteps of the Redeemer. The celebration was also attended by family members, friends, formandi (Juniors and Postulants) and lay people identified with our charism.

In carrying out its mission in the Church, the Congregation unites members who live together and form one missionary body. These dedicate themselves to God by profession, and so devote themselves to their mission as a living unit, each contributing through the ministry that belongs to him.

Constitution 2

With encouraging words, the provincial reminded the newly professed that it is God who has chosen them and that despite how difficult the road may seem, He who called them will give them the grace to persevere, as did St. Alphonsus, who was an innovator in the proclamation of the Gospel. At the end of the Holy Eucharist, a festive supper was shared with the animation of the newly professed and the local superior of the community, Father Luis Alberto Roballo.

Three Redemptorists were ordained deacons.

On the afternoon of March 4, the parish of St. Gerardo Mayela in Bogotá hosted the ordination to the diaconate of the young men: Sergio Andrés Guerrero Buitrago, Juan Sebastián Criollo Puentes and Jovani Cuellar Peña, who the day before, perpetually professed the vows of poverty, chastity, obedience and perseverance. The diaconate ordination was received from the hands of Monsignor Raúl Alfonso Carrillo Martínez, Vicar Apostolic of Puerto Gaitán and Bishop Administrator of the Vicariate of Puerto Carreño, Vichada, which is under the care of the Redemptorists.

In this solemn celebration, Monsignor Raúl Carillo expressed on several occasions the joy he felt in presiding over this celebration because of his closeness with the Redemptorist missionaries of Colombia. He stressed the importance of this ministry, which, despite being transitory, makes a difference in the life of every minister consecrated to Christ. This lies in service, which is, among many others, the essential function of a deacon.

The superior of the host community, Father José Rafael Prada Ramírez, addressed a few words to the attendees and especially to the new deacons, where he highlighted the invitation to be servants of the people of God. The new deacons will be exercising their ministry in the three Redemptorist communities of Bogotá, namely the parishes of Santísimo Redentor, San Alfonso and San Gerardo.

Finally, in these young people gathered together, we see the continuity of the mission begun by St. Alphonsus. We hope that Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help, will intercede on the way to their ordination to the priesthood.

by junior Dixon David Alvarez