Colombia: Religious profession of Jesús Emel Cristancho Garcia


With great joy, on January 13, 2024, the Eucharist was celebrated with a profession rite in which our brother Jesús Emel Cristancho García took the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in Piedecuesta Santander, Colombia.

Participating in this celebration were Father Mauricio Monroy, provincial of the new Andean Caribbean province, priests, Redemptorist brothers, novices from the Latin American and Caribbean Conference and family members.

Jesús Emel Cristancho García, began to learn more about the Redemptorists in 2017 when he began his formation at the San Alfonso Seminary in Piedecuesta, and continued his studies of Theology at the San Alfonso Foundation in Bogotá.

As a novice of the Andean Caribbean Province, he participated in the final retreat of the Novitiate of the Conference of Redemptorists of Latin America and the Caribbean, in Santa Teresinha Tietê-SP (Brazil) at the end of 2023.

We ask God to illuminate and accompany the life and consecration of our brother.

You can see the complete ceremony on Facebook, in the account of the San Alfonso Seminary (Redentoristas Bogotá)