Information on the World Youth Day and World Alphonsian Day – Panama 2019


Peace and joy in Christ the Redeemer.

With enthusiasm, we continue the preparatory work to celebrate the World Youth Day (WYD) and the World Alphonsian Day (JMA) in Panama, on January 22 to 27, 2019. Much of this work is done under the leadership of the Secretariat of Redemptorist Youth Ministry of Central America. Arrangements are still being made for the young participants to stay in the homes of the Redemptorist parishes of Asunción and San Gerardo Mayela, in Panama.

The macro-group has already been opened for the registration to the WYD in which the Redemptorist Youth from different parts of the world can register; the people in charge for this macro-group are Fr. Gustavo Cruz and Ahiezer Amisaddai Dominguez Madrid. Both of them will receive the requests for registration with the help of a Commission of Central America formed for this purpose. When making the registration, please take into account of these information:

Name of the Macro group: JMA Redemptorists

Country: international

City: Various

Language: Multilingual

Group code: Grupo  P-2422-00

The group that comes from a unit of the Congregation is a sub group. To make registration for the sub groups, please follow the instructions below:

A.    Fase 2

1.     Choose a person in charge (The person who is responsible for official communication between the WYD preparation committee and the subgroup) and an assistant to the in charge for the sub group. These persons should contact the WYD Panama team for registration and access information for the sub groups.

2.     The person in charge should finish creating their subgroup by adding the information requested by the LOC (Local Organizing Committee) of the WYD.

B.     Phase 3:

Detailed personal information of the participants of each subgroup.


– Number of people over 30 years old

– Number of people with disabilities

– Number of priests

– Number of religious

– Accommodation Package for the group (Package A2)

– Specify day of arrival and departure

– Conveyance

– Total number of participants

In addition, the Parish of San Gerardo has created the web page in which the inscription to the World Alphonsian Day (JMA) can be made. The logo, the hymn and the official prayer (see attached files) have already been prepared for this event which will be held on Wednesday, January 23 with the participation of Fr. Michael Brehl, Superior General of the Redemptorists.

We hope that this information will be widely distributed, so that interested Redemptorist Youth can prepare their own plan well in advance.

May Our Mother of Perpetual Help accompany our journey towards WYD and JMA 2019.

Prayer for the JMA

Christ the Redeemer, we give you thanks for giving us your infinite love, mercy and the Redemptorist Charism that unites us.

We ask you to bless us, specially the young people who live far from your love, submerged in vices, lost themselves in the world of consumerism and those who are marginalized by their different lifestyles.

In this Alphonsian World Day renew us with your Holy Spirit so that, as youth of joyful Hope, we can give testimony of your love and kindness in a wounded world that suffers because of selfishness and injustice.

May the example of Our Mother of Perpetual Help encourage us to respond to your call, with generosity and responsibility, carrying out the mission of bringing the Good News, especially to those who suffer the most.

We ask this through the intercession of St. Alphonsus and all the Redemptorists Saints and Blessed.
