Mons. Gabriel Kembo Maputu, Bishop Emeritus of Matadi (DRC)


Mons. Gabriel Kembo MAMPUTU, bishop emeritus of the Diocese of Matadi (DR Congo) died on 26 August, 2016.

Mons. Kembo, was born in 1935, became a priest in 1963, and he was consecrated bishop in 1988 after having received all his training with the Belgian Redemptorist Fathers.

Mgr Kembo was a priest and bishop of the diocese of Congo which was founded and guided by the Redemptorists. He ordained the first Congolese Redemptorist in 1989 (Nestor BASUNGA, Charles KUSIKA, Clément MAKIOBO, Victor Mampuya and Antoine TUSAMBA) and most of the Redemptorists of the Vice Province of Matadi, even Fr. Joseph MUKONDUA in 2008. His was buried in the Cathedral of Matadi, on Friday September 9, 2016.