Feast day greetings by the superior general on the occasion of The Feast of the Mother of Perpetual Help


Brothers and Sisters, lay associates and friends,

I wish you many blessings during this novena and feast of our Mother of Perpetual Help. 

As we celebrate before the original Icon on Sunday, I will entrust all your intentions into her care and keeping – for she is truly our Perpetual Help. 

Just as Mary holds the small hands of our Redeemer in her own hand, I will also place in her hands our Congregation, the wider Redemptorist Family, and every one of our communities. 

On behalf of the General Government, I would like to express our gratitude to all of you – confreres, Sisters, and lay associates – who took part in the four preparation sessions for our General Chapter. Your reflections and contributions will enrich our reflection and discernment as a Congregation. And you will be invited to continue this process with us in the next phase of our preparations. Thank you. May God bless you for your generous and honest sharing. 

Mary, our Mother of Perpetual Help, received her mission from the Redeemer as she stood at the foot of the cross. She is truly our mother, and her mission is to accompany every daughter and son of God throughout life with tender love and care. Like John, the beloved disciple, may we welcome her into our homes and our hearts. 

Through the prayers of our Mother of Perpetual Help, may our all merciful God bless you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Fr. Michael Brehl, CSsR.

Superior General

Watch the Video Message below: