Spain: New Missionary Team established


Last Thursday, November 14, the new missionary team appointed by the Provincial Government of Europe South for the Spanish Area met at the Community of Perpetual Help in Madrid. The three missionaries appointed by the Provincial Government are Frs. Miguel Castro (Coordinator), Guillermo Rejas and Víctor Chacón. We were accompanied by the Provincial Councilor, Fr. Alberto Eseverri.

We are aware that this is a complicated moment and that many aspects of collaboration and missionary work are still being defined in our new Province of Europe South. This missionary team is probably a transition to another way of organizing ourselves apostolically, collaborating with missionaries from other countries and projecting the Redemptorist mission in a new way. We take on the challenge with joy and also accept the availability and offering of many lay people and Redemptorists who remain enthusiastic about the mission and will help us in it. We place the missionary task in the hands of Mary of Perpetual Help, patroness of the Redemptorist mission, and may she help us find the channels for the mission that Europe South needs and can offer.

Fr. Victor Chacon, CSsR.