Mission in Wikit, Sumba, Indonesia


Praying for the recently launched Mission in Wikit, Homba Karipit, Sumba, Indonesia. The mission will run from 19 November 2017 till 4 February 2018.

The Redemptorist Province of Indonesia was established by the Redemptorist Province of Köln-Germany, in 1957. At first, their mission priorities focused on establishing and running parishes and schools. In 1960, they became the Vice-Province of Weetebula. The growth of the Vice Province led to the creation of a Student House in Jogjakarta in 1978. In 1986, the Vice Province redefined their priorities as: mission, parish, retreats, charity work and media.

In 2002, the vice-province became an independent province called The Redemptorist Province of Indonesia with the first Indonesian Superior Provincial elected, Fr. Edmund Woga, CSsR. Under the leadership of Superior Provincial, Fr. Sebastianus Ani Dato CSsR, the Province entered into greater collaboration with units in the congregation around the world. This opening up to the world has particularly been a blessing to Oceania, Manila, Cebu, Tokyo and St. Clemens. .

Nowadays, the province continues to expand its missions, and blossoms with many vocations. At present, they have 1 bishop, 85 priests (some are sent to work and study overseas), 2 perpetually professed brothers, 3 temporarily professed brothers, 53 temporarily professed seminarians in Jogjakarta (2017-2018), 19 Novices and 20 postulants. (http://www.cssrao.com/)