A New Academic year 2023-2024 begins with Welcome Day


(Rome) On 2 October 2023, the usual Welcome Day 2023 took place in the Aula Magna, a day dedicated to welcoming new students and meeting the entire academic community after the summer.

The program included some activities common to all and others specifically dedicated to the second cycle of studies (Licentiate) or the third (Doctorate). The professor. Mario Boies began the work with a presentation of general lines, which was followed by the activities envisaged by the program. The professor. Donato, Acting Principal, presented the Ordo and the scheduled deadlines. Divided into language groups (French, English, Italian, Slavic languages, Portuguese and Spanish), Academic consultations were then held, an opportunity for students in their first year of the Licentiate to receive the necessary information for planning their two-year period.

The professor. Giovanni Del Missier addressed the 2nd year Licentiate students on some key issues. At the same time, in the defense room, prof. Antonio G. Fidalgo introduced new doctoral students to the Doctoral Student Seminar. All activities took place in person and also were broadcast on the YouTube channel of the Alphonsian Academy.


Some moments from the Welcome day